We are proud to announce, Wendy Lambert of Coppell, Texas was named the 2014 International Auctioneers Champion – Women’s Division, Friday, July 11th at the International Auctioneers Conference and Show in Louisville, KY. The competition was tough with almost 100 professionals from across the United States and around the world competing for the most coveted professional auctioneering award.
Wendy is the 2013-14 Texas State Champion Auctioneer and a March 2008 graduate of the America’s Auction Academy in Dallas. Wendy lives in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth with her auctioneer husband Doak Lambert and their three children, D.P., Sydney and Denton.
Wendy will join her husband Doak as an instructor at the America’s Auction Academy in October. Wendy joins an elite team of International, World and State Champion Auctioneers as well as industry leaders.
Welcome aboard Wendy!