2022 January Graduates– (Bottom to Top– L to R)
(Row 1 Sitting) Scott Swenson, Instructor, Lakeway, TX; Lori Jones, School Administrator, Dallas, TX; Nikki Griffith, Eureka Springs, AR; Brittany Franklin, Houston, TX; Kate Weber, Azle, TX; Mike Jones, School Director, Dallas, TX
(Row 2) Preston Donahew, Azle, TX; Nickolas Zerr, Gove, KS; Myles Eglevsky, Fredericksburg, VA; Kevin Kohn, Livingston, TX; Steven De Luna, Van Alstyn, TX; Jeff Griffith, Eureka Springs, AR; Pete Setian, Ennis, TX
(Row 3) Glen Bullard, Aledo, TX; George Wiley, Sanger, TX; Denton Lambert, Decatur, TX; Logan McFarland, Norwich, KS; Monty Edwards, Sudan, TX; Todd Weist, Nashville, TN; Eric Daw, Porter, TX; Dan Gross, Montrose, MI; Preston Cooley, Dallas, TX; Tommy Smith, Warren, TX; Samuel Pitts, Westphalia, KS.