2021 January Graduates– (Bottom to Top– L to R) (Row 1 Sitting)
Rusty Owens, Barry, TX; Keesha Black, Conroe, TX; Stacey Marshall, Alvin, TX; Kimberly Thomas, Venus, TX; Molly Hudson, Houston, TX; Alicia Chmielewski, Frisco, TX; Sara Broers, Instructor, Mason City, IA; (Row 2) Mike Jones, School Director, Dallas, TX; Lori Jones, School Administrator, Dallas, TX; Steve Friskup, Instructor, Muleshoe, TX; Gregg Cox, Mt. Pleasant, TX; Calvin Barnfield, Sealy, TX; Brad Blancett, Prosper, TX; David Hodges, Lubbock, TX; Lane Griffin, Round Rock, TX; Cody Cribbs, Fluvanna, TX; Scott Swenson, Instructor, Lakeway, TX (Row 3) Moises Capule, Midland, TX; Joshua Fulp, Del Valle, TX; Hank Courtney, Tolar, TX; Troy Jordan II, Sherman, TX; Phillip Evans, Joshua, TX; Peyton Helmer, St. Landry, LA; Jean Harris, Jr., Houston, TX.