2019 January Graduates– (Bottom to Top– L to R) (Row 1 Sitting) Jimmie Dean Coffey, Instructor, Bloomington, IN; Mike Brandly, Instructor, Columbus, Ohio; Kimberly Grennan, West Plains, MO; Sandra Brown, Houston, TX; Laura Reutter, Burnet, TX; Teresa Tong, Plano, TX; Scott Swenson, Instructor, Austin, TX; Donovan Tinsley, Guest Speaker, Lakeland, FL; (Row 2) Mike Jones, School Director, Dallas, TX; Kelly Kirby, Nashville, TN; Todd Ahrens, Rockwall, TX; Kye Bond, Lumberton, MS; Ben Pedersen, Westlake, LA; Allen Lu; San Antonio, TX; James Mills, Phoenix, AZ; Will Pahl, Addison, TX; Jake Hubbell, Crawford, CO; Lucas Baldridge, Kyle, TX; Skip Domingos, Corpus Christi, TX; Rodney Hamby, West Plains, MO; Lori Jones, School Administrator, Dallas, TX (Row 3) Rylan Shea, Dallas, TX; Robert Welch, Jr., Arlington, TX; Michael Shannon, Montgomery, TX; Brad Bell, Lamesa, TX; David Lopez, Jr., Amarillo, TX; Matthew, Lopez, Plainview, TX; Trent Jones, Amarillo, TX; Tyler Rife, Tucson, AZ; Bill Burgan, Fort Worth, TX.