2016 October Graduates – (Bottom to Top– L to R) (Row 1 Sitting) Jeff McCon, Ponchatoula, LA; Lori Jones, School Administrator; Kim Daniels, Gentry, AR; Adrianna Brown, Venus, TX; Rachel Dymond, Boyd, TX; Melissa Gorham, Las Cruces, NM; (Row 2) Rich Schur, Instructor, Monument, CO; Mike Jones, School Director; Cyril Johnson, N. Richland Hills, TX; Randy Jones, Lake Jackson, TX; Casey Pearson, Millsap, TX; Daniel Lewis, Paris, TX; Steven Ballard, Waxahachie, TX; Ken Murray, Bastrop, TX; Everett Williams, Austin, TX; James Gregory, Bacliff, TX; (Row 3) Judith Scott, Mabank, TX; Jason Intini, Walworth, NY; Tanner Smith, South Houston, TX; Jesse Harville, Jefferson, TX; Ron Giles, Healdton, OK; Jeff Lewis, Jacksboro, TX; Roy Stringer, Clarksville, TX; Britt Roman, Corsicana, TX; Barron Carwell, Palestine, TX.